Types of Websites  

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Do you want to look at a recipe for a cake? Then, you will visit a website. Or do you want to purchase a pair of shoes? Then, let’s visit an online store. Whatever we do on the web, we will visit a website. However, each type of website serves a specific purpose, from selling a product or service to sharing content. Today, we would like to introduce you to the 12 most popular types of websites. At the end of the article, we will also look at the components of a website. If you are ready, here is the list of website types. 

12 Most Popular Types of Websites  

No matter where you browse on the internet, you’re actually visiting a website. This actually implies that there are millions of different types of websites in terms of diversity. In today’s article, we will focus on 12 popular types of websites. Don’t forget to learn how to create a freelance website. These are: 

  • E-commerce Websites 
  • Blog Websites
  • Portfolio Websites 
  • Online Forums 
  • Landing Page or Single Page Website  
  • Resume Websites 
  • Government Websites  
  • Brochure or Catalog Websites  
  • Social Media Websites 
  • Question-Answer Websites 
  • Wiki Websites 
  • Review Websites 
e-commerce websites

E-commerce Websites 

If you want to earn money by selling your products or services online, you need an e-commerce website. This is because an e-commerce website allows you to sell your items to your potential customers. For example, you produce high-quality sports products, from shoes to Romans. Of course, what will you do after producing the final products? You will sell them, right? To do this, you need a website where your potential customers can visit and view your products. At the end of the day, you will be able to turn your products into revenue, thanks to the e-commerce site.  

blog websites

Blog Websites 

Blogs are also a type of website where people can share their knowledge and expertise, personal journeys, and regularly update their content. Such types of websites can be about anything you are interested in, from travel and beauty/fashion to food and recipes. Of course, you may want to earn revenue from your blog. You can start earning money once you create your own online community with loyal readers and give them what they want. To achieve this, there are different methods you can follow. For example, you can direct the readers to your website by placing a link. Or, you can use affiliate marketing strategies or sell ad space to reliable brands. Check what is a blog here to learn more.

portfolio websites

Portfolio Websites 

Portfolio websites are another commonly preferred website. Such types of websites allow you to showcase your work, skills, and professionalism. Actually, these websites are used by architects, designers, and photographers to display their best work. In other words, portfolio websites serve as digital portfolios for professional people. Their main feature is that people use high-quality photos and informative descriptions highlighting the owner’s abilities. So they can reach targeted clients and collaborators. Another feature of portfolio websites is that each reflects the owner’s unique identity and creative aesthetics. They use clean layouts and simple visual elements that highlight their work quality.  

online forums

Online Forums 

Online forums are a type of website where people come together to discuss a specific topic or exchange information about something. Most online forums enable anonymity for their users. In other words, participants can select a username and profile photo (an avatar) that shields their real identities. So people can express their opinions and thoughts without fearing personal judgment. Users in online forums don’t have to be active by writing about shared topics; They can view and read various topics. Regarding the diversity of this type of website, they can indeed be about anything you think of. They are designed to capture different interests and niches, from technology and hobbies to health and lifestyle. 

landing page or single page websites

Landing Page or Single Page Website  

A landing page is also the type of website, even if you don’t think so. Why? Let’s say a person scans a QR code by clicking on a paid advertisement or following a social media link. That person will come across a landing page. This website has a specific focus; its only purpose is to achieve a particular goal. They are mostly designed for gathering user information or getting people to support a campaign. Landing page websites have a simple design so users can easily and quickly achieve the desired action.  

resume websites

Resume Websites 

Resume websites are a type of website that is similar to portfolio sites. These websites act as an online representation of a person’s professional identity. Compared to traditional resumes, a resume website lets users, from job seekers to freelancers, show their skills and work experience. People can also showcase their education and dynamic portfolio on resume websites. Similar to portfolio websites, resume websites have a clean and organized design that highlights users’ professionalism and official identity. One of the main features of resume websites is the downloadable feature. So, similar to a traditional paper resume, you can download it in PDF format. 

government websites

Government Websites  

A government website is a type of website that is created and maintained by governmental bodies. The main difference between government sites and others is that these are official sources of information and communication for citizens. These websites are important in supporting transparency and providing access to public services. Of course, the content of such websites varies, but typically, they include information about departments, policies, regulations, laws, and public programs. Offices and departments provide updates on current events and announcements to keep the public informed about recent news. 

brochure or catalog websites

Brochure or Catalog Websites  

Similar to physical brochures or catalogs, these types of websites provide information about a company, products, and services. Such websites are especially popular website among businesses that want to provide potential customers with detailed information. So, they eliminate the need for a physical presence and printing costs. The priority of brochures and catalog websites is high-quality photos and visuals in order to showcase products and services effectively. So visitors can view photos from different angles, zoom in for details, and even watch products/service videos. Also, learn more about UX research.

social media websites

Social Media Websites 

Social media networks are a particular type of website designed to support interaction, engagement, communication, and content sharing. These websites enable users to create an online profile and connect with friends and families. The primary features of social media networks are that users can add a profile photo, username, and additional details. Users of these websites can send friend requests and follow other profiles. Another feature is that these websites have chronological feeds where people can see content from the latest to the beginning. These websites support a wide range of content, from photos and videos to articles to gifs. 

question-answer websites

Question-Answer Websites 

Quora is probably the first thought that comes to mind when considering question-and-answer websites. Like Quora, these types of websites allow people to exchange their knowledge and information. These websites offer a space where users can post their questions on different topics and get answers from the platform community. Question-and-answer websites typically include user-generated content, meaning the community generates the content from question to answer. Besides, you can upvote or downvote answers based on the answer’s quality and accuracy. So, this feature enables prioritizing the most helpful responses. Moreover, website users can receive answers to their questions in real time. So, these websites are the best place for immediate information. 

wiki websites

Wiki Websites 

A wiki website is a type of website that enables users to create, edit, and organize collectively. So, these platforms are basically collaborative platforms. One of the greatest Wiki website examples is, of course, Wikipedia. Users of wiki websites can edit the content directly and view previous versions before the change is made to each page. Besides, hyperlinks are an essential part of wikis. This means that users can easily and quickly link to other pages within the same wiki and surf on that website. Another fundamental feature of these websites is that they are open to the public. So anyone who surfs the web can view and contribute to the content. However, some wikis have restrictions for editing in order to eliminate misinformation. 

review websites

Review Websites 

Review websites are one of the most popular types of websites where people can review certain products and services. Some of these websites concentrate on a particular niche, whereas some focus on a wide range of products. Review websites are essential in helping consumers by providing valuable insights from people who have already experienced products/services. The fundamental feature of these websites is that users typically provide a rating like stars. They can even write reviews expressing their opinions and experiences. Another feature is that review websites mostly include user-generated content, such as photos, videos, and written experiences.  

key component of a website

Key Component of a Website  

To refer to something as a website, there are certain key elements. In other words, any type of website essentially consists of specific elements. Now, let’s briefly take a look at these elements. 

  • Domain Name: Domain name is the unique web address users type into their browser to access the website.  
  • Web Hosting: The service responsible for storing the files of the website and making them accessible over the internet 
  • Homepage: The main entry point to the website. 
  • Navigation Menu: Links or a menu bar that helps users easily navigate different website pages. 
  • Content: Text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements provide information. 
  • Layout and Design: The website’s visual appearance, including colors and typography. 
  • Search Bar: A tool that lets visitors easily and quickly search for specific content within the website. 
  • Footer: This is located in the website’s lower section, including extra navigation links and copyright information. 
  • Contact Information: Contact details that let visitors contact the website owner, such as an email address or phone number.  

Our Final Thoughts on Types of Websites 

Of course, there are dozens of websites, but we focused on the 12 most popular websites. Some are e-commerce websites, blogs, reviews, online forums, questions and answers, and social media networks. Each category serves a particular purpose depending on the needs and interests of internet users. From informational websites like government sites to social media sites, every type uniquely shapes our online experiences. Regardless of what we do online, we always need a website. That’s because Google and other search engines are also types of websites. 

Frequently Asked Questions About

There are a lot of different types of websites. For example, blog websites, landing pages, online forums, e-commerce websites, portfolio websites, and government websites are popular.

It totally depends on you and your purpose. You should answer the “What is my purpose with the website?” If you want to sell your products or services online, the best type of website is an e-commerce website. Or, let’s say you want to share your best work and create an online place to post your previous works. So, the ideal website is a portfolio website.

Yes, all search engines are websites. Their users can access Google and others by visiting their websites through web browsers.

A website generally consists of web pages that contain several elements. These elements are text, photos, videos, links, etc. For example, a website visitor uses the search bar to find what they are looking for. So, the search bar is the component of that website.

Of course, not all websites are secure. Most of them implement security measures to protect their users. However, we can’t guarantee a website is 100% secure because of the constantly evolving landscape of cyber threads.

Ayşenur Tekin

Posts: 33

After completing my undergraduate degree in Translating and Interpreting, I became curious about digital marketing and started to improve myself. This led me to work as a content editor in digital marketing. Currently, I continue to work as a content editor and write informative articles.

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