Blog Name Ideas 

Reading Time: 9 minutes

After you create a blog from scratch, maybe the most challenging part is finding the best name for your new blog. But how are you going to do this? Don’t worry about it. We are happy to help you in finding the optimal blog names. It doesn’t matter what your blog type is, whether it’s a travel blog or a blog where you share food tips. In today’s article, we will mention blog name ideas. But before talking about them, let us examine the points you need to consider while choosing a name for your blog.

Important Points to Select A Blog Name   

As you might know, choosing a name for your blog is a challenging task to complete. But every blog you see has a name, whether it’s good or not, right? In order to be visible in this crow blogging world, you need to select the best blog name idea. So, the critical question is coming: How? We hope to help you in this process by providing some essential tips you can use. If you are ready, let’s start without wasting your valuable time. 

be relevant with your blog niche

Be Relevant with Your Blog Niche 

Your blog name needs to reflect the content you share on your blog. The name you choose should give people a clear idea of what to expect when they visit your blog. For example, your blog is all about healthy cooking. In such a situation, your niche is healthy eating, right? So, you ensure your alternative food blog names reflect this focus., for example, clearly communicates that the content you have on your blog is about cooking. 

Include Keywords 

We highly recommend including relevant keywords in your blog name ideas if possible. To do this, you can think about the main topic you are focusing on in your blog posts. When you include keywords in your blog name, you will have a chance to increase your rankings in SERPs. At the end of the day, you will be able to make your blog more visible to your target audience. 

make it memorable

Make It Memorable 

A memorable blog name is easy to remember and sticks in the minds of your readers. Picking a name that’s easy to remember makes it more likely that your readers will come back whenever they want. It’s like leaving a friendly signpost that helps them find their way back to your blog whenever they need it. So, your blog’s site visitors will easily recall it when searching for information or recommending it to others.  

Don’t Use Double Letters and Numbers  

When picking a name for your blog among many name suggestions, it’s useful to keep things simple and easy to remember. To achieve this, you should avoid using the same letter twice, such as “zz” or “ss.” You shouldn’t also add numbers to your blog namesThe cool name ideas for your blog will look cleaner and more professional if you care about this tip. So, your potential visitors will be able to easily and quickly find and remember your blog. This also minimizes confusion while spelling and saying verbally. 

think about your future

Think About Your Future  

Your blog name should also reflect your long-term purposes. Will it still be relevant and meaningful as your blog grows? Ask this good question yourself while selecting a name among blog name ideas. That’s because selecting a name that reflects today and the future is important. A too-specific name might be problematic since your blog’s focus and niche may change over time depending on your readers’ preferences. Learn more about how to start a personal blog.

how to find a blog name

How to Find a Blog Name  

After discussing the most critical points while selecting a name among hundreds of name ideas, a new and essential scene emerges. How are you going to choose the best blog ideas? Before providing good blog name ideas, we would like to answer this question first. Also, check these blog topic ideas too.

Finding the perfect blog name is a long journey that demands careful consideration across various aspects simultaneously. But we will provide some important tips you can follow to find good blog name ideas.  

  • First thing first. You should determine the topic or niche of your blog. In other words, what is your blog going to be about? 
  • Second, you can make a list of keywords and topics related to the niche you will focus on. So, you can collect not only general terms but also specific keywords that are related to your content. 
  • Third, ask yourself, ‘What differentiates me from my strong competitors operating in the same niche? Your blog name can reflect this unique aspect. 
  • Fourth, brainstorm. One person finds a lot of ideas, but two people do more. You can ask your friends or family members and use a simple paper to collect blog name ideas. 
  • Fifth, use a blog name generator. There are a lot of tools that provide unique blog name ideas for any type of blog. All you have to do is provide keywords related to your content on your blog. 
  • Sixth, think about simplicity and memorability. Your blog name should be simple, easy to spell, and memorable. Avoid using double letters, numbers, or long words to do this.  
  • Finally, check availability. The name you select might also be used by someone else. That’s why you need to check the availability of that name using domain registration websites.  

6 Blog Name Generators  

If you want to view alternative blog name ideas, you can use blog name generators. These tools are handy for a blog name suggestion. Now, we would like to list the top 6 alternative blog name generators you can take a look at to see examples of blog names. 

  • Shopify
  • Name Generator
  • Wix
  • Business Name Generator (BNG)
  • DomainWheel
  • Nameboy
Shopify blog name generator


Nowadays, Shopify is one of the most popular tools that offer a lot of online services, including blog name generators. This generator is user-friendly; everyone, including beginners, can easily use it, regardless of their technical skills. To use this tool, you must visit Shopify’s Blog Name Generator – Business Name Generator page. Then, you should enter queries that are related to your blog and posts.  

If you are wondering about the price of using the blog name generator offered by Shopify, we have good news for you. Suggestions for names for any type of blog are completely free. 

Name Generator

Name Generator 

Name Generator is another popular blog name generator tool available on the web. This great tool provides unique and original blog name ideas that you can choose from. To use Name Generator, enter two adjectives to describe your blog and three verbs that are relevant to your topic. After that, the tool offers a lot of blog name examples that are easy to spell and say. Similar to Shopify, you don’t need to pay to get blog name ideas on Name Generator. The tool is free to use.  

Wix blog name generator


Wix should be an inseparable part of our discussion if we are discussing something in the internet world. The platform’s blog name generator is very useful for every blogger. To use Wix’s blog name generator, you should enter only one word you want to include in your blog name. After that, you will get a list of blog name ideas. Whether your blog is personal or professional, Wix’s Blog Name Generator ensures it has a memorable name right from the beginning. You can do this for free. 

BNG blog name generator

Business Name Generator (BNG) 

The Business Name Generator is an excellent alternative to the earlier ones. The tool has an easy-to-understand and user-friendly interface. So you can easily and quickly get blog name ideas. Besides, the platforms can offer name suggestions in various languages.  

Blog Topic Ideas
Blog Topic Ideas

Finding the right blog niche lets you create a good topic strategy in the dynamic blogging world. As the digital environment continues to change, the ...

Types of Websites  
Types of Websites  

Do you want to look at a recipe for a cake? Then, you will visit a website. Or do you want to purchase a pair of shoes? Then, let's visit an online st...

Since the platform offers real-time domain availability check options, you can make sure that nobody uses the chosen name. 



DomainWheel is a good competitor for the blog name generators mentioned above. The platform has a user-friendly interface and is completely free to use. The platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) in order to provide blog name ideas. To use this great tool, you should type one or a few keywords that are related to your blog topics. After that, the tool offers dozens of blogging names examples. Once you select the best one for your blog, you can easily register the name as your new domain as well.  



Nameboy is the final free blog name generator tool we will mention in this article. The website makes a quick analysis of the keywords you provide. After that, it suggests the optimal blog name ideas. Like DomainWhell, the platform uses AI to offer the most relevant blog names. Besides, Nobody also enables you to check the domain name availability. So you can understand whether your name idea is available to register.   

why choosing right blog name is important

Why Is Choosing The Right Blog Name Important? 

We’ve emphasized the importance of choosing the right blog name throughout our article, right? So, why? Okay, we know that selecting the right name plays a vital role. But let’s list the reasons behind this argument. Also, learn more about types of websites.

  • Your blog name plays a vital role in the first impression of potential readers. It is a kind of indicator that shows what your blog is about at first glance.  
  • If your blog is about your brand, it’s important to have a blog name that reflects your business. It will help you build a solid and recognizable brand identity in your readers’ eyes. 
  • Catchy and memorable blog name ideas have a tendency to stick in readers’ minds. That’s why you can help your readers recall and recommend your blog to others. 
  • When you include keywords in your blog name, you can help search engines understand what your blog is about. So you can improve your SEO strategy that signals to search engines that your blog is relevant to specific topics. 
  • A well-chosen and unique blog name significantly impacts your target audience. It communicates who it’s for so that you will be able to connect with the right readers. 
  • Once you select a blog name that is easy to share, you can also strengthen your social media presence. 
  • We’ve emphasized the importance of choosing a genuinely distinctive blog. Changing your blog name down the road can be challenging and confusing for existing readers. Therefore, selecting the best blog name you’re comfortable with for the long term is vital for your future success. 
  • A well-chosen blog name sets you apart from the competition. Especially when we consider a crowded blogosphere, it helps you stand out and be memorable among similar niche blogs.  

Our Final Thoughts on Blog Name Ideas  

Let’s say you’ve recently launched a blog on WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, or another blogging platform. But now, a new question comes: What should you name it? In today’s article, we tried to help you find unique, original, and relevant blog name ideas. It doesn’t matter whether you have a personal or professional blog; You need to consider some important points. For example, you should make your blog name memorable, easy to say and spell, and not use numbers and double letters. You can brainstorm with your family members and friends to find the best name for your blog. Or, you can take a look at alternatives offered by blog name generators. We’ve also discussed the most popular and free tools you can check, from Wix to Shopify. You can choose one or use multiple together to reach hundreds of blog name ideas.   

Frequently Asked Questions About

It’s straightforward to understand. Your blog name is the first thing the potential readers of your blog site see. Therefore, it should reflect your content topics and the message you want to give. 

You can do a few things to find a good and relevant blog name. Of course, asking your close friends, family, or colleagues is the first. One person finds a lot of ideas, but more people find more. You can also use reliable and free blog name generators available online. 

If you can do this, you should include relevant keywords about your blog posts in your blog name. That’s because these keywords can help with search engine optimization and clarify what your blog is about. 

It totally depends on the blogging platforms you choose. But we can say that most of them, from Tumblr to Blogger, allow you to change your blog name as you wish. But it’s best to choose a good blog name idea you’re happy with from the beginning to avoid confusing your readers.

Unfortunately, almost nothing can be done. If that blog is a popular one, you should think about other alternative blog name ideas to make it unique. On the other side, if it hasn’t too many readers, you can consider adding a prefix or hyphens.

Ayşenur Tekin

Posts: 33

After completing my undergraduate degree in Translating and Interpreting, I became curious about digital marketing and started to improve myself. This led me to work as a content editor in digital marketing. Currently, I continue to work as a content editor and write informative articles.

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