How to Create a Business Website

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Our title is straight to the point. In today’s article, we will indeed reflect on how to create a business website. A highly critical topic for both current and future entrepreneurs, without the slightest doubt. Our world has reached a point in which none of us can ignore the role of undertakings carried out online. Are you the owner of a modest store? Or are you rather a tycoon in charge of a multinational company? To be honest, the answer doesn’t really matter in Main reason is more and more people prefer dealing with any kind of society via the internet. As demonstrated by various statistical studies, the king of those deals is purchase activities. No matter what is being sold nowadays, the public mostly tries to get it online.

But so much for the preliminaries. Let’s explore some tips that are likely to help you when starting a website for your professional initiatives. Our article will cover the main steps to follow, beginning with the bases of any website. We will have a look at:

  • The purpose of your website
  • The essential setups, namely the building platform, the domain name, and the hosting provider

 We will then continue with what you must incorporate into your site. Our focus will be on:

  • The themes
  • The content structure

Be Squeaky Clean about the Objective(s) of Your Website

Have you ever noticed some of those websites that look like a jumble, piling up anything and everything? If such an approach can be tolerated on amateur websites, it can certainly not be within a business environment. A business website has to look like a … well, a business website. It’s certainly ok to put a touch of creativity and even playfulness into it. However, the main purpose of the whole site should be clear enough. In other words, it should match your professional activity and niche. Along with that, it should be easy to navigate and provide visitors directly with what they are looking for. So supposing that you own a real estate agency, your website has to promote houses and other related locales. As simple as that.

Pick the Right Website Building Platform

Here’s another essential aspect, especially for beginners who are willing to build a small business website. No need to complicate things more than they already are. The platform you choose should be one that almost acts as a business companion, making the creation process as manageable as possible.  

One of the ideal options is the leading platform, WordPress. Even better if you choose the version of it (instead of the ‘.com’ one). It comprises many tools that will show you how to create a business website. Among these tools are the famous plugins that can extend quasi infinitely what you can do with your site. Be it about choosing a fancy theme or improving the level of security; you can set up almost anything even without knowing any codes. Not to mention that most of the WordPress services are free. At the end of the day, it makes you roll with a beginner-friendly, flexible, and affordable plan. 

You can also opt for a comprehensive website builder like GoDaddy, Squarespace, or HostGator. These companies propose different packages (at different fees) to choose from, depending on your personal and, of course, professional needs. As usual, don’t forget to read reviews and testimonials from other website owners. This would give you an overview of both the advantages and challenges they’ve been encountering. 

choose a relavant domain google domains

Choose a Relevant Domain Name

When you are on the path to create a business website, this step shouldn’t be taken lightly. Your website’s name and address can make a big difference in the eyes of your potential audience. The most common yet wisest choice here is to give your website the same name as your company. Pretty logical, right? Because imagine if people have heard of your business through some other mediums (newspapers, magazines, etc.) but can’t find it on the internet. That would be quite embarrassing and counterproductive. 

Try to avoid kilometric names. Keep it reasonably short and easy to spell/remember. Incorporating some keywords that are relevant to your niche and company is also a good idea. If you need help, you may use one of the free domain name generators available online. We have tested Nameboy ( with the following keywords: inflatablemugs. Here are some of the propositions we got:

reliable hosting provider

Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider

Unless you have found an all-in-one website builder that also offers hosting services, you will have to sign up for one separately. Creating a website for your business also implies the necessity of giving it solid foundations. In other words, you must give it a ‘home’. Hosting companies will keep your site safe and warm (so to speak) while making it available and accessible throughout the web. Without them, websites wouldn’t have any actual support to validate their existence.

Luckily enough for you, the current market is full of effective and reliable hosting providers. For example, Hostinger is crafted in a way that simplifies all the necessary processes for beginners. If you rather consider a shared plan, you may give SiteGround a try. And, of course, we also have big shots like BlueHost that come with unlimited bandwidth. The best part is that most hosting services are available for a few bucks (an average of $5 per month or less).   

Add Your Personal Signature with a Specific Theme

Once you are done with the aforementioned technical prerequisites, it’s time to dive into the more serious stuff. Like what? Well, let’s reformulate our initial title question. What one should rather ask is ‘how to create a business website that personifies my professional essence?’ Remember when we told you that your site should be on-topic and relevant to your brand? This is where themes and templates will intervene. Thanks to them, your website becomes recognizable and differentiable from others. It gains a particular ambiance that sort of mimics the identity and specific features of your company. 

Let’s assume that you have decided to work with WordPress. Before choosing a theme, you must check if it’s compatible with the browsers you intend to use. The same goes for your plugins and page builders: They should remain capable of running under your target theme. Make also sure to preserve your data and content before any theme changes by using backups and records (e.g., CSS codes). 

How to Create a Business Website Theme with WordPress

  •  Go to your WordPress Themes section

Provided that you have backed up your site beforehand, you can go to the Themes section. You will find it in your dashboard under the category called Appearance.

wordpress theme section
  • Browse the available themes

You should be seeing all the installed themes with your currently active one displayed in bold mode. Choose your new theme among those listed in the WordPress Theme Directory. You may also want to set up a theme you’ve bought separately. Either way, click on the Add New button. 

add new theme
  •  Install your theme

Use the drop-down menus located on the Add Themes page and choose the theme you wish to install. If you have purchased a premium theme, it will come inside a ZIP file. Use the Upload Theme link to install it. Then locate the file via the Choose File dialog box. Finally, click on the appropriate Install button. 

install your theme
  •  Activate your new theme

Once you’re done with the installation process, you can activate your chosen theme. You will receive an activation link for premium themes. As for the free themes, you can activate them by going to the Appearance category once again and then to the Themes screen. Hover over your desired theme and tap on the Activate button. 

activate your theme

What if you are using a website builder other than WordPress? The steps to follow may slightly differ from one builder to the other. So it’s best to consult their guidelines. However, you should be able to easily find a themes and templates section in almost any of them.

As a side note, we recommend you pick themes that are somewhat matching your niche. Say, balloons and teddy bears may not be the best options if you are a car dealer. Also, try not to change your theme too often. Remember, we are talking about a signature here.  

Make Sure to Organize Your Content

Your content is the spinal cord of your website. It’s what you want your visitors to read and where you place your arguments in order to promote your activity. So how to start a website business with appropriate content? It’s safe to say that this is, above all, a matter of organization. You can’t just decorate your website randomly. Your content has to follow a logical structure and be grouped within several categories. This will ensure comfortable navigation for your users while also being easier to handle for you.  

We can’t give one unique structure here. Indeed, each website will have its own particular characteristics and goals. Nevertheless, here are some typical sections that one can notice on many sites and that you should also adopt, at least partly:


This section is like a general presentation. It usually introduces your visitors to the general profile of your business, its main mission, goals, and ongoing initiatives. You may also present yourself as a founder and your team (if available). In most cases, the homepage includes a menu from which the visitors can access the other sections of the site. 

Products and Services 

Aka the heart of your business. This section is where you clearly display what you have to sell or offer to the public. Try to be as exhaustive as possible about the attributes of your products and services. Sort them both in alphabetical order and subcategories if possible. It’s also a good idea to include price information. 

Portfolio and References

Do you have partners in crime, err, business? Then show them off. Your audience will probably be curious about your references, as well as your previous and current collaborations. This section can also include positive testimonials from your customers. All in all, you should be giving your target audience a list of tangible reasons to choose your brand and company. 

contact information

Contact Information

There’s nothing more frustrating than websites that lack contact information, especially if it’s a business website. So please don’t neglect the follow-up and customer support aspects. Your clientele should feel free to contact you whenever necessary, and, most importantly, they must receive an answer to their inquiries. Refrain from ghosting them. Always stay present with a solution-oriented approach. 

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Once again, the above list is far from exhaustive. There are certainly other fields that you may consider adding, such as a blog. In fact, blog posts are great components when it comes to staying in touch with your audience and keeping them updated. Here is how to start a blog. You can share the latest news from your own industry, explain a given product in a more detailed way, or focus on new technology. It’s up to you. In any case, you should avoid running a dormant website. Keep it alive by also eliminating any possibly obsolete content. One of the secret ingredients of professional success is to show how much you care for your own business. So do it.

An Overview of Business Website Creation

The goal of our article was to show how to create a business website. So what are our takeaways? 

We started by emphasizing the importance of selectivity. In other terms, the first thing to do is to clearly select and delimitate your niche. You don’t want to end up with a messy and off-topic website. Then come the technical preparations. You need a domain name, a website builder (WordPress or other), and a hosting provider. These three help you set the architecture of your site, as said in the previous paragraphs.

We also mentioned the need for representative themes and templates. Their purpose goes indeed beyond simple decoration. They are (or at least should be) an integral part of your website’s identity. Over time, they should even become familiar to your visitors. Hence the importance of taking the time before choosing them. We saw that you could either go for ready-to-use free versions or purchase premium themes. 

Last but not least, we brainstormed on the content itself. Let us insist once more on that point. Your content ought to be well-structured and easy to navigate. That’s the true showcase of your business. That’s what people will investigate before getting involved with your company one way or the other. Moreover, that’s probably from where you will make at least some of your sales. So invest your time in it and keep it up-to-date as much as possible. 

In case of any doubt, you may contact specialized digital agencies to create a business website. These can accompany your website building process from A to Z, ensuring a pro-looking final result. Even though this option can be a little more expensive, it would at least ensure minimum mistakes, especially for those of you who don’t have any previous experience in web design.  

Frequently Asked Questions About

The options that we have presented in the article, beginning with WordPress, are suitable even for beginners. Most of them don’t require in-depth knowledge about anything related to web design and development. They are intuitive enough to guide you throughout the different processes. However, if you feel reluctant about making a website on your own, you can hire a specialized digital agency. 

Yes, there are some clumsy approaches that should be avoided. For example, cluttered pages with too much content are not really a good idea. Users will usually find them exhausting to read. Speaking of content, it’s always best to structure it. Disorganized content will prevent your website from being attractive to the audience. You should also take precautions against poor-quality navigation. Additionally, make sure that your site comprises a sufficient number of social links. 

It will depend on your personal pace. The average is more or less 1 month, assuming that every step is completed without any delay. If you are working with a digital agency, keep in mind that you will also have to comply with their schedule.  

The term responsive refers to websites that are compatible with different devices. Ideally, your website should be easily viewable on computers, tablets, and smartphones. 

The .com extension is still the most widely used and pro-looking one. However, there’s nothing set in stone here. There are many other extension types that may fit your business profile. 

Cem Erdinç Yılmaz

Posts: 1

After graduating from the Language and Literature Department, I have used my advanced skills to edit, proofread and translate. I also enjoy writing short stories in my spare time. Now, with the rise of digital marketing, I utilize my skills to write blog posts on the latest topics.

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